Hello blogging followers. I would like to inform you of a few changes and because life changes it is necessary for blogs to change. First, I got married this year! I also have moved from Illinois to Indiana. We have a dog, a Beagle, her name is Bella. My husband and I are building a house in the country, talk about stressful. As some of you know, my interests include photography. "Why is that worth mentioning?" Well, photos are going to start being posted and a background story about them. Why? I figure this, the more publicity they can get, the better. It all starts with you.
You come, browse, look at some recent pictures and, comment. Please, enjoy.
The picture was taken a few weeks ago on the property we own. Those sets of legs are my husband's children, 10 and 13. The boys were having a great time enjoying the weather, so much so, they decided to run barefoot. I just happened to capture the moment.