
Read the internet

I usually look at my homepage, which is Google, to see any interesting news stories and then follow that up with a gander to foxnews.com. However, I always look at the weather sometimes 3-4 times a day.


mmm, raw fish

I Miss Japanese Food by roybuloy

After a new found interest in Japanese food, I would have to say that I think I could eat it for a year. I love sushi and rice is starting to grow on me. However, eating it for a year may be over kill but I'm willing to try it!


Medium, coffee, anywhere

Usually I do well with change. I am not one of those people who get all bent out of shape and have a bad attitude about it. I realize that everything in this world changes. However, sometimes change is hard to adapt to. I'm sure I'm not the only person in the world that has experienced this. For instance, when my parents divorced it was really hard for me adjust. I took on a lot of responsibility, more than I needed to at 13 years of age. And a few years later I found myself being kicked out of my father's house, that was a hard circumstance to embrace. Moving from the country to the city for school, that was really tough for me. I had to learn where everything was. I had to teach myself how to properly drive on the interstate and the purpose of a stoplight. As crazy as this sounds, there was not one stoplight in my entire county. I've experienced change that I did not like.
 Even the dynamics of relationships change and sometimes it's a beautiful thing. Other times, well it's a not so beautiful thing. When my parents broke up, there was a change in the relationship. Not only theirs but, all of ours. Adam and I looked at dad differently. I had a different opinion of my mom. Adam and I grew closer. Even the relationships with our extended family changed due to the divorce. Although Adam and I are still very close, my relationship with my mom is still rocky. Dad and I have no relationship and some of my extended family will never get it. 
As graduation approaches at a 100 miles an hour, I am reminded that soon everything will change. I will officially be on my own, have bills, be expected to be an adult, and everything else that comes with it. While I am excited to experience this new chapter of my life, I am utterly terrified. I'm scared because I don't know what to expect. I am reminded everyday via news, the job market is not doing so well. That's just what I want to hear! I've put in so many resumes and have been online for hours looking for jobs. It's depressing. Sometimes I wish I could just go back to the time I was in elementary school. When coloring in the lines meant getting an A, nap time was required, recess three times a day, and where getting married was a fairytale. Oh those where the days! It's hard to believe that 23 years have gone by so fast. 
With all the changes that are weeks away, I just want to run and hide from time. But knowing that is pretty much impossible, I have to get over my fears and realize this will get easier. 
OK so now on to the song for the week, right? With all the change taking place I thought it would be good to have a song that counteracts that. Something that would just relax and remind me that I am not in control but that I serve a God that is. Therefore, the song of the week (the suspense is killing you I know ;) is...God of all Glory by Jeremy Riddle. If you are unfamiliar with Riddle, may I suggest that you stop living under that rock and check him out! 
Sorry for the abrupt ending but I must rush outta here, I have class that I'm almost late for. 


Sorry for the late post, it's been an interesting week. I finally went to the doctor and have an infection in my bronchial tubes. Happy moment right? But I must say that without the help and love of the people of God I would not have found that out. I don't have health insurance therefore, going to the doctor isn't an option for me. A couple from my church paid for my visit and medicine and I will be forever grateful for their service. That was the beautiful end to a horrendous beginning. I missed most of my classes because I was sick with a fever, aches, coughing, no voice but, it's all better now! Thanks to the medicine and the great people that provided it for me :) 
I was out with a friend today and while we were gathering things for an event we were discussing the difficulty of finding a job with the economy the way it is. She was telling me that sometimes all she can do is review Psalm 9:10, "And those who know your name put their trust in you for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you." We put our trust in God because He is worthy. God has not forsaken us, therefore we can trust Him. How amazing is that? God will not forsake His people, we must seek Him. Not seeking in the sense of searching for God behind the trees but, seeking Him to know Him better, to live for Him, yearning to be with Him. Easier said than done, right? Who said following God was easy? However, SO worth it! 
For the song of week, I've decided Strawberry Swing by Coldplay. I really like the song because it's easy to bob your head along to, it's the type of song that takes you back to childhood and all the fond memories. Strawberry Swing is also a relaxing, good mood kind of a song. I recommend you check it out. It has a wonderful tempo, tone, beat, etc. 
Again, sorry for the late post but I hope that you enjoyed reading a shorter one this week :) And please, check out the songs. If you don't like them, tell me why. If you do like them, tell me why. I like getting feedback. Have a fabulous week and remember that we can trust God because He will not forsake us. 


My Series of Unfortunate Events...

Before I get to the song of the week, please allow me to vent a bit. The previous week was Spring Break. For most people this is an exciting time to make plans and get away, go on some crazy adventure, make lasting memories, etc. Oh don't worry, there were crazy adventures and lasting memories I assure you. However, not the kind of memories and stories I would have hoped to blog about.
It started like this: Monday was a pretty easy going day. I went to work and did my daily routine there. Two of my friends stayed in the dorms during break and we had made plans to cook dinner and watch a movie, ya know just take it easy. Which is what we did, it was wonderful. Hannah made a great dinner and we had fun watching the plethora of movies. And then it happened at 3 in the morning. Don't worry I will spare you the details. I woke up with an odd feeling, ya know the one that says, "Oh no, where's the bathroom!" Yep, that's right friends, I got sick. So after cleaning that mess up it's about 4 in the morning and I have to be at work at 9. I get to work stay for the staff meeting and go home. When I arrived at my humble abode I had spiked a fever and had the chills. Mind you, I haven't had food in over 12 hours and I am in no way going to eat. Wednesday begins with me in bed and ends with me in bed. The next day I'm feeling better, so I go to work. I worked all day and felt fine. Friday I wake up and I'm feeling a little under the weather but not to worry, nothing like Monday. Here it is Sunday night and I have a fever of 101.2, sore throat, coughing and surprised my lungs are still inside where they belong, oh and did I mention I can't talk? I sound like a 4 year old girl according to a couple of people. 
In case you were wondering, I did not get any of my goals accomplished. However, I did find an interesting Sushi place. Oh and that's a story in itself.  Oh yeah, Sarah and I went to the Cupcakery, and yet another story. Ready? (sorry this is going to be a longer blog.)
Aimee, Hannah and I decide that I am feeling better and we need something to do. I've been cooped up in this dorm for too long. Sushi sounds good, right? On our way to the restaurant, Hannah is consistently telling me this is the wrong one, we need to turn around, this area doesn't look right. Being my stiff-necked self, I told her I knew what I was doing, and besides these are the directions off the Internet. We end up downtown in a really bad area of town, after dark. It was a lock the doors and drive straight kinda moment. Hannah calls her cousin and we get to the right restaurant in a hurry. On to the Cupcakery story with Sarah...
My best friend has never been to the Cupcakery in Central West End, shocking! So we head down there for some amazing cupcakes, great atmosphere and, some food! It was a great time. If you haven't experienced the Cupcakery, you are missing out my friend! I got a raspberry one and it was SO good. It had raspberry filling in the middle and a light raspberry icing, yum! We then head to Crepes etc. That was scrumptious and if you have yet to visit that restaurant...you're living under a rock. They have the best food for a decent price too, a college kid's dream :) So after our stomachs are stuffed with goodness we start the journey back home. Sarah and I are roughly 10 mins from home and we get captured by the sobriety checkpoint, oh joy. The wait wasn't so bad and the cop was really nice. But, where I'm from the cops drink with the kids so I was no way prepared. I was driving Sarah's car and had forgotten to grab my licences off the dresser. Of course the police officer is going to ask for that, and he does. As he's asking me for them, I'm coughing up part of my lungs. I think he felt bad for me, because I told him I forgot to grab them and all he says is to remember to take them the next time I'm out. 
In all of this craziness and stressful Spring Break, I have learned to lean on God a little more. I asked for patience and God puts me in these situations to strengthen my character. As trivial as these things are now, they were stressful going through them. I thank God that when I don't understand why this is happening or how long must this continue, He is sovereign. God is in control, and I am grateful for that. Hebrews 2:8 says that God has left nothing out of His control and what a wonderful promise! If I was in control I would mess my life up. Therefore, the song of the week (drum roll please) would have to be Jeremy Camp, Enough. God is more than enough for me, more awesome than I know, and all I have is in God is more than enough. 
So there you have it friends, my ridiculously long blog of the week. I pray that you would lay down your burdens and concerns about the following week and focus on the One who created life. Thank God He's in control and is more than enough for you. He is, after all, the reason you are alive today. 


Pick of the week for this week...Zephyr Song by Red Hot Chili Peppers. With the kick off of Spring Break and the amazing weather we're having, the song fits perfect. This has been a pretty mellow week and the song has a tranquil disposition. The Zephyr Song is a great way to start Spring Break. I have realized that I am not that familiar with the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I have several songs of theirs on my ipod but haven't them much attention, that may change now. 
So with this being the start of Spring Break I have a few goals in mind for the week. The first one is to do all my homework. With graduation rapidly approaching, I find myself having more homework than I realize and want to get that all done before getting too stressed out. The second goal is to shop effectively for the apartment. My brother and sister are going to help me out on that :) Thirdly, I want to discover an interesting place in St. Louis. I've lived here for 3 years now and keep going back to the same locations...I want something different. Then there is always the trivial things like, clean my car, keep my room clean, go through the clothes...but those aren't any fun so why bore you with those details! 
In the midst of all this craziness and stress I want to encourage you to not lose focus on the one you were created for. It is hard to balance time, work, friends, family and everything else that comes along with life. However, I bid you all to take time and focus on our Creator. God's beauty and sovereignty, love and justice, grace and mercy the list is everlasting. That is my ultimate goal this Spring Break. We were created to worship...let's get busy worshiping! John 4:23 says, "the hour is coming and is now here when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship Him." God wants us to worship Him so what are you waiting for?