I bought a journal this week for a few reasons however, this is no ordinary journal. The title is "Wreck this Journal" and the author is Keri Smith. On every page there are instructions for what to do to the page. Instructions like, burn this page, a page for circles, take the journal in the shower with you, go on a walk and drag the journal, etc. I have only done a few pages and nothing too destructive, yet. The authors website is kerismith.com and I would encourage you to check it out. There are also other activities available on the website. I warn you though, if you do decide engage in this activity, people will give you funny looks trust me. All in all, it's a great way to pass the time, develop the creative side, and just have some fun with a book (sorta sounds like an oxymoron). Besides having fun with it, another reason I wanted to buy it was to blog about all the things I'm doing to this book. As silly as it sounds, I bet it's going to be very therapeutic. So far I have covered a page with office supplies, paper clips, tape, post-it notes, and a thumb tack. I have colored on the outside edges of the book, and tried to connect dotes on a page from memory.
Therefore, because of this journal and how random the instructions are, the song of the week has to be a goofy song. That is why I'm picking Muchkinland Musical Sequence (Ding dong the wicked witch is dead). If you don't know what movie that is from I'm not going to tell you. Instead I'm going to laugh at you. Have a good week!