First and foremost, Happy Easter everyone! In Laue of the respective Holiday, here's a little history. Oh don't worry, I'm not going to bore you with the history of the Easter Bunny (although I did google it) or the Easter eggs, or any of the other silly stuff. Actually I searched YouTube for a John Piper video on the Resurrection....didn't find one. But I do subscribe to his blog and bookmarked his website, therefore here is the link to the sermon notes from last year's Easter Sunday sermon.
To be honest, I'm not quite sure what to type in this white box. I know that my font is messed up right now but I can't seem to fix it. That sounds so silly to blog about. It's been a rough week. I had a fight with my best friend and we still haven't seemed to resolve the issue. Frankly, I don't know if we will. Maybe it's one of those move one arguments, ya know? The kind that you bicker about for a few hours, maybe a few days, (in our case, a few months), and although you both know neither one is happy, you don't do anything to fix it. Not that you just refuse to but outside circumstances seem to prevent it or maybe you just don't want to. Heck, I don't know. I am the type of person that when I see a problem I want to fix it. Well, I can't fix this one and let me tell you, it's frustrating! I am learning patience through this though, that I am certain of. Sorry, I didn't want to spill that out on the Internet where everyone and their dog can read this but I'm sure someone out there in cyber space can relate, right?
New topic:
Tomorrow after church I'm going to my sister's house where the rest of my siblings will be, along with my mom. That should be fun, I'm looking forward to a salad my sister makes. We aren't certain what the name of it is so we call it "The Ugly Salad", charming right, haha. Whenever she is generous enough to give me the recipe I'll post it so you all can enjoy it. I'll be knocking out two birds with one stone though, spending that quality time with the family and working on graduation invitations...yikes! And the count down begins...G-day minus 16 days, or however that is said :) I'm really excited to be moving in the apartment though! And my roommate is going to be amazing. But I am still looking for a full time job, or another part time job. Whatever I can get at this point. I'm pretty sure I've applied or inquired about a job at about 20 places now. This is like fishing...but I like to fish. I don't like this. Anyone know of a business hiring??? Hello anyone? I hear crickets...not a good sign. Wow God is really teaching me to lean on Him and to trust Him with everything. I have trust issues though, doesn't He understand this? I know it sounds like I'm talking to myself right...OK so I am just a little. But I saw a diagram a few weeks ago and I really wish there was a drawing option on here bc I would love to post it. However, the point of it was that you have your comfort zone and everything else is outside of that. How true! That is where you are sensitive to God's working in your life, definitely NOT in your comfort zone. I'm learning that...slowly I assure you. I had a verse I was going to put in this space, but I completely blanked out. Wow, more tired than I thought. OK I have to go to bed now otherwise I will be worthless tomorrow. Good night! Oh yeah...the song the song, I'm sorry I almost forgot~Embracing Accusations by Shane and Shane, warning though...it's a slap in the face. OK Good night again :)
1 comment:
That's a great song.
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