Oh the joys of being "grown up." I paid my first rent bill yesterday and thought about the sadness that I'll be doing this the rest of my life. It's an interesting concept to me. I pay to live and yet life is free. Well, minus the bill to the OBGYN and the hospital. I am starting to understand more and more that our world really does revolve around money. Obviously human, I grasped the concept of money at a young age but to be on my own now, totally different perspective. Although we can't get away from the hold money has on us, we can definitely control it. I don't understand how having lots of money is a good thing. It is my opinion that when one has lots of money it is easier to take things for granted and not show appreciation for them. I can only speak about my own experiences, but when I was a pre-teen I remember mom scolding me for throwing around my toys and not taking care of my stuff because I thought that she would just go out and buy another one. As I got older and when especially when dad left ,and money was hard to come by, I started taking care of my stuff. Anything from clothes to my toothbrush because I knew we were broke. I appreciated my things a lot more. When I was in high school I remember thinking my sister was so cool because whatever I needed she would buy me. Missy had an endless amount of money. She is still well off, don't get me wrong. But rather than idolizing her, I feel sorry for her. The grip that money has on her is sad. Obviously she's not the only one that is serving the master of money. All you have to do is take a look around your world. Countless amounts of people have a very unhealthy love for money. I'm not saying money is bad or we need to protest against the use of it. I am making the point that re-evaluating the control you are allowing the green stuff to have is imperative. I struggle with it and there have been times I have analyzed it and needed to shift my priorities. I urge you to do the same and take the time to evaluate your priorities and make the necessary changes.