

As I am sitting on my bed watching the news about Obama and Hillary and the gas prices being record high, again, I realize that Americans really need to know who Jesus is. Not because of "where America is headed" but because in all this news broadcasting it is so evident that Americans are selfish people. We are selfish! Who cares that Madonna is getting a divorce when there are children in the world who have never seen a TV. Do you really care what celebrity is having another child? Or what athlete is in jail again for suspected drug use? There are people in the world who do not have running water. Instead of making Americans aware and motivated to fix that problem, we would much rather hear about the drama going on in someones life. Let me tell you...living without running water, sufficient medical personnel, and food IS dramatic! I want to challenge anyone who reads this to get off your butt and do something to help. Instead of going on a family vacation, go on a mission trip. Open your eyes America...we are the only country who lives the way we do. There are more poor countries than rich ones. Christians...SHOW the love that Christ showed you! Stop being passive and having this mind set that someone else will do it. Remember the Grace that God showed you by saving you and tell that to someone.


To Sarah

My wonderful friend, whom will remain anonymous continues to taunt me about the updated-ness of my blog. Which is the reason I am here. Ok so on to the update...After coming back from Haiti I can assure you I am not the same. There is a new perspective of life that I see. The way that people treat others in the states is completely different from the way the Haitians do. I can go on for hours about the things that I saw or learned while in Haiti, but that is for another time.
Shortly after my return from Haiti, Sarah and I went to Virginia to visit her dad. It was amazing! The mountains, the sweet tea, the dog show....everything was excellent. Her father is absolutely fabulous! I took some photo's of the state and different activities we did. Stan, her father's partner, took us to a restaurant called Macado's. It was the craziest place I had seen in awhile. The decor was interesting to say the least, but it was a great time. We also went to a dog show. This was my first experience with a dog show, and let me just tell you, it was so cool! I saw big fuzzy dogs, short fuzzy dogs, and dogs that looked like mops. We were there because Stan was showing a whip-it named Miss Minnie, and she won 2 ribbons and 1 point. I'm not quite sure what the 1 point is about, even though they explained it to me a billion times. All I know is that it was good :)
I've been home for a couple of days and on Monday I leave again to go to Logan Valley. The church that I am interning with is taking the kids to Theology Camp there. So my friend whom shall remain anonymous I won't update until I return. Camp will be fun, we're supposed to be going a float trip and doing other un-planned activities :) K that's it for now...my blog has been updated.


what i was going to say

During worship Pastor Gary asked us to testify something that God has done for all of us on the trip. Unfortunately, we ran out of time for everyone to speak. So I figured I would steal Jacob's idea and blog about it.
Everyone that spoke mentioned the love of the people exemplified throughout the mission trip. However, I'm going to take a bit of a different route. Don't get me wrong, the people of Haiti were undoubtedly loving and lovable. But there is something else that must be mentioned. The protection God granted us. In Haiti, there are walls surrounding the people's property and most everyone has a guard dog. I believe that the walls around the school were more than physical protection, they were also for spiritual protection. Once we were outside of those walls, Satan would try to break us down. I know I felt it and I'm sure the rest of the group felt it as well. In all of it though, God was protecting us. From the flight delay in Miami to the land dispute to the sickness most everyone got. God's hand was over us in this life changing trip to Haiti. The love of the people was overwhelming however, the protection of God was astounding. God had a special plan and purpose for all of us going. I know that through this trip, not only did I learn more about God and His creation, I also learned more about the group that I was blessed to be a part of. God honestly blessed me in this trip and I pray that I continue to follow God's will in my life. Thanks to all who went, it was truly amazing.