I, Kelly Feltes, will to Sarah Marie Long many road trips, random adventures, thanksgiving with my family, and the honor to call you my best friend. To Peggy and Susie I will a blender at 7:00 in the morning, a box of 50 granola bars still in the package, and the many drives to vent. To Hannah-Joy, the ability to stop being so nice, your license, and someone to take you driving on the interstate, oh yeah and my room :). To Mama Schertz, many shopping trips to Sam's, a semester without drama, and wonderful RA's next year. To Papa Schertz I will, the biggest container of Parmesan cheese, the right to finally brag on the Cubs, and mango spray. To the Hessel's, I will a speeding ticket to the unknown kid, a fire truck, and many alcohol busts. To the women RA's I will you guys the ability to deal with the drama, the wonderful weekend dutys, RAT week, and my mom. To the guy RA's I will you, my mom, a non smelly dorm, and an office that is functional. I will to Adam, a wonderful marriage, a "normal" family life, a great job so you can take care of me, and the privilege to call you my favorite brother and best friend. To all the residents in North Hall, the ability to put up with your RA :), a wonderful time in college, and friendships that rock your world. Oh and don't forget all the great perks about Mobap, like the food.
To those of you whom I may have forgotten I apologize. But I pray that you live a life glorifying to God and that you will never forget why you are created. As I am ending a chapter and starting a new one, I have come to learn that I really cannot do anything on my own and when I do I mess it all up. I give all the glory to God for getting me through college. I never thought it was possible to obtain a higher education. I thank everyone through the years that had to put up with me. I know that I have been a difficult person at times. A special thanks to those at FBCF for dealing with my ridiculous schedule and loving me in spite of not knowing how to be a secretary. I love all of you guys and pray that God will be glorified through you.
Oh goodness Kelly....If I were the sentimental type I would have been bawling and then If I were erin wetting myself. I love you tons and am proud to call you my best friend.
This was very cool. If I were creating a will for the end of this semester I would will for you the ability to eat and then sit without pain. :-)
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